Example of How to Make a Simple Database Using Xampp

Creating WEB Database
There are several steps that we should do in the process of making this database were:
    1. Creating a Database
  Steps - steps include:
                 a. Run xampp

b. Open the browser that we had then enter the URL "http: // localhost / phpmyadmin /" on the "create new database" content with a book or some other word then click "create".
c. Then fill in the "Name" with guest, or in other words later on "number of fields" content with the number of columns that we need.
d. There are three columns that need to be changed, namely "field (for the name of the data), type (type of data we want), length / values (many / long data)" and then select "save" to save and "go" to add

e. Display after successfully will be as below, the "id" double-click on the primary key.
f. A message will appear as below and click ok

g. After that will appear as below, double click on the sign of the black square.
h. Checklist in the "AUTO INCREMENT" and then save
i. Display after the save
j. Return to URL "http: // localhost / phpmyadmin /" select Privileges create a new user by clicking "add a new user"

 k.Lattice as below.
l. Back again to our database and then enter the first visitor data by clicking the "insert" as in the picture and then click "go" to save
m. Back to browse menus, the data that we create will appear as below.

Completed Data Base Simple
That's a short way to make a simple Data Base.

Careful, Do Until One Create Password !!

Error In the Create a Password for a Personal Account - Password or password is a secret word or phrase used to access something that typically is private and confidential. For example, internet banking password, the password must be known to yourself because if known by others can be misused its use.
Choose a password that is not only confidential but also should that not be easily guessed by others. Most people still use passwords with numbers 123456, password, to qwerty by reason of easy to remember and easy. But you know if the password is easy to guess?
Easily guessed passwords is a serious error because it can create an account becomes insecure and easily broken, so it must be considered correct password to be used for the purposes of the accounts confidential. Some things are often a mistake in creating a password and they often do include the password in the form of numbers that are sorted from 1 to 6 or letter sequence on the keyboard. The actual password is easy to remember but it is very dangerous, and therefore create a password with a unique and not sequential, and if you do not want to forget then record password.
Next create a password with a short word, this is a mistake as well. Due to a short password will be easily broken. Should make a long password with a variety of letters, numbers, and symbols making it very difficult terbobol.
Mistakes are often made again to create a password by replacing letters to numbers, this way is a bit more powerful than the original. But sometimes the password as it is easily broken because the hackers already know this behavior are easy to guess. In addition, never also create a password whose content name or date of birth. It is also still commonly used, namely the use of personal information for a password. A good password should be the password that has nothing to do with ourselves.
That is what needs to be considered in creating a password, especially for accounts that are highly confidential. And the most important is change your password periodically, to make it more secure and not easily broken.

Now, Google Apps Now Increasingly Sophisticated !!

Google Now on Android Applications Can Facilitate Users - Smartphone with Android platform has a lot of features that are directly supported by Google. One is a feature of Google now. Perhaps many who do not know the use of these advanced features. Google Now itself could make smartphones that we used to be "smart" for their voice Assistant (voice command) is presented in Google Now. This feature can also be used to browse the internet quickly from your phone or tablet. In addition, users can also get the information that has previously personalized by Google via the Google Now.
One example is that we could ask any thing to Google via voice commands about where to eat or restaurants closest to our location, can inquire about the height of a mountain, the latest movies and much more. Especially for the latest version of Google Now can give orders directly integrated with some applications that are installed in our smartphones. Here are the details of commands that can be done with Google Now:
1. Turn on or turn off wifi and bluetooth
With Google Now, we can set the wifi and bluetooth on our smartphones. Staying give commands by saying 'turn on wifi,' or 'turn off wifi' on the Google Now app then automatically wifi we will live and die according to our commands.
2. Turn on or turn off the flashlight
No smartphone flashlight that we can also be activated through voice commands. Just say 'turn on the flashlight,' or 'turn off the torch'. Then the torch will follow our orders.
3. Reading SMS messages
To read the SMS message, we just say 'show my last message,' and Google will show your recent messages. And later Google will offer to read it. This feature would be very useful when we're driving because there is a facility of Google to read the message.
4. Open the app
Very easy, just say 'open ...' So by itself application can be opened via voice commands. It works on Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and Instagram.
5. Playing music
When we give the command 'play music,' Google Now will automatically open Google Play Music and immediately play music based on what we heard previously there. If you want to be more specific, we can also tell Google to 'play the music on ...' and addressed one specific application to play music.
6. Call or SMS
Staying say 'phone ...' or 'SMS ...' followed by the name of a contact, this can be done without typing.
7. Set the alarm
If you want to set the alarm clock, we easily just say 'Set the alarm clock ...' is diiukiuti with a description such as 'set alarm at 3 am.'
8. Take photos or videos
We can also say 'open the camera,' to enter the camera mode, as well as the 'record' video to open the video camera. If we say 'take a photo' in a sophisticated Google will offer a wide range of applications in the smartphone photo saying 'Application Which?'.

Twin Brother SE Camera iPhone and iPhone 5s

Similar DNA, Camera Comparison SE iPhone and iPhone 5s - camera Affairs today can not be separated from mobile phones. If seeing the market today, each camera phones that are not even going to question what they do. This also began to shift into the mobile phone market mobile phone camera market. Finally, in addition to the obligatory mobile phone embedded camera, competition both across vendor product range as well as the vendor still be warm things to talk about.

Apple is arguably the leader of the current smart phone concept. Although in reality can not be said that Apple is the creator of the first smart phone in the world, one thing is for sure Apple has also contributed in a large part of the development of information technology through the iPod, iPad and her iPhone. Even then, if Samsung does not start to open a gap through made by Android, it is possible in any smart phone technology that is still held by some exclusive course ala Apple's target market.
One of the products in the exclusive ranks of the re-presented by Apple is the iPhone SE. The proposal has an idea, SE iPhone is arguably using DNA iPhone 5s as essentially formed. One of the most striking difference is on the side of the camera to increase the size of the sensor. When looked iPhone 5s, sensors embedded still in tatarn 8 MP. Embedded these sensors can not be blamed, because when it debuts this 5s implemented, the trend of the 8 MP camera is included in the category of luxury.
Differences then and now, 8 MP arguably considered trash to the premium class. Finally Apple inevitably follow a common habit for iPhone SE with over 10 MP sensor precisely on the number 12 MP. Logically, the number of sensors that more should the camera can produce a better picture. But not necessarily all, this logic must be passed by direct scientific evidence. As known by the public that the massive number of sensors is not always produce a better picture. It is best qualified sensor with high magnitudes. For a proof of this, as reported by the Okezone (15/04/2016) finally did obtain a reasonable conclusion that the iPhone SE better camera than the iPhone 5s affairs. It feels it is becoming important to justify upgrading to iPhone users iPhone 5s SE.

Video and Film Editing in Linux

In the field of video editing and movie, there are many software options that can be used, either paid, open source, and freeware, with the additional effect - a mesmerizing effect. In the Linux operating system (for all distribution / distro), application options for editing video / film, among other Open Movie Editor, Kino, OpenShot, and others.

In this article we will discuss OpenShot. Authors consider, the features provided by OpenShot more complete than similar software on Linux and also easy to use

An overview of OpenShot
OpenShot is an open source software project in the field of multimedia, developed by Jonathan Thomas and the team began in 2008. Open source software is provided for a wide range of distribution (distro) Linux and is now bundled in each repository. You can also download the package and compile it yourself.
As a video editing application / film, OpenShot presents a variety of features. Among others :1.Mendukung extension format wide range of video, audio, and images. However, it suggested to your Linux distribution is already available or install a multimedia codec first. OpenShot can provide this feature with the support of the engine FFMPEG, one of the old players in the world Linux and open source for multimedia.2. You User Desktop Environment (DE) Gnome? If so, know that OpenShot supports drag and drop process and integrates with Gnome. What about the other ED users, eg XFCE, LXDE, KDE, Eblighment, and others in the run OpenShot? No problem in using OpenShot.3.Tersedia various effects and transitions that are ready to use, includes video effects and audio effects. Capture and its detailed discussion will be outlined below.4.Mendukung real time preview. It is very useful to show the direct (preview) video / movie you have given effects, transitions, or editing. With this feature, you can provide an assessment before deciding whether the video / film / audio / image collection you are editing will be exported, saved, or deleted.5.Mendukung multiple tracks. It's also very nice to do multiple edits, whether audio, video, or image collection.

How to hide and restore icon in Chrome extension

Having two or three on the extension icon in your browser's omnibox is not a big deal. It still will not make your browser is too messy and crowded. However, if you have ten or more active extension, then it is a completely different story. You might want to hide the icons to appear in your browser's omnibox while maintaining active extension.

Chrome has a default option that lets you hide or remove the extension icon from the omnibox. You can also restore the icon whenever you want.
How to hide the icon in Chrome extension- On your Chrome web browser, go to your browser's omnibox. It is part of the menu button and the address bar.Next, select the icon you want to hide the extensions. Right-click on the icon and select "Hide button" on the right-click menu.So that's it. The extension button will be hidden from your browser's omnibox. However, you can still access the extension with a keyboard shortcut. Or, you can see extension to the opening page of your browser extension. Simply click the Menu button and then select "More Tools"> "Extensions".How to restore the icon hidden extensions in ChromeNow, if you want to restore the icon back to Omnibar the extension. You just need to open the Chrome extensions page. After that, find the extension with hidden icons that you want to restore. After that, just click the "Show button" right under the extension.Just keep in mind that there are some extensions that rely heavily on their shortcut icons. Without the icon, the extension will not work at all. Therefore, you need to assess each extension first before you decide to hide the icons.
So that's it. You have just learned how to hide and restore icon in the Chrome extension.May be useful.

How to Have a Recycle Bin in the Windows system tray using MiniBin

MiniBin is an application that is sure to facilitate the user's activity. It allows easy access and empty the recycle bin.


MiniBin will work with Windows 7 and in accordance with the developer. This application telahdites in Windows 7 for the purposes of this article.
How do I set up MiniBin
First you need to do is download MiniBin from here. You will receive a zip file containing setup.exe also some themes for the application. You have the option to set MiniBin as portable application also. To do this, you must select the System Integration during the setup process and select the folder where you want to save the program.
When installing MiniBin, the program icon will appear in the system tray of your computer. This is a useful feature for sebgian of us without MiniBin, typically must access the recycle bin on your desktop.
Another feature of this program is utilized. Simply right click on the icon in the system tray and you will be able to open the recycle bin, clears, or simply configure the functionality of the program.
Configure in the sub-menu, the user can change the following:
- What will dilakakan when taking double-click the program's icon
- How does the program integrate with your system
- The icons displayed in the system tray when the recycle bin is full or empty
By accessing subomenu Icon Double-Click Action, you will be able to empty the recycle bin or open it by double-clicking on the program icon in the system tray.
In subomenu System Integration, you have piihan choose if the program will ask you to confirm the deletion of files in the recycle bin with memilihi "Confirm Recycling". You can also "Allow sound" that will determine if a song is playing or not when the recycle bin is emptied. Finally you can choose whether or not to display a progress window by selecting the Allow Progress Windows.
In sub-meni Change Icons, you have the ability to choose different icons for different levels based on the size of the recycle bin terisis maksimu that you've specified in the recycle bin.
You also have the option to replace the style icon displayed by clicking any icon on the submenu except Only use empty / full. To do this you need to extract the .zip file containing the data with the theme MiniBin.zip initial file into a folder of your choosing.

MiniBin not the only way to increase the accessibility of the recyle bin but it is a feasible option. By offering such fiturofitur enough mengdouble click to remove the waste basket Part of it certainly can save you time.

Figures Sales Down, Windows 10 Pun "Accused"

Considered the launch of Windows 10 Causes fall in PC sales - With the launch of Windows 10 into a large agenda that is being run by Microsoft. In fact, Microsoft's own offering by providing a free update program for Windows 10 to Windows users earlier. The proof was soon seen by the number of users of Windows 10 that soared so steeper to the figure of 270 million users in the period of 8 months.

Nevertheless, the free upgrade program for Windows 10 is not without side effects. Reporting from Technology News, stated that the free upgrade program has an impact on the global PC sales figures. Moreover, according to data from Gartner, PC sales figures in the first quarter in 2016 was down by 9.6%. Noted that in the first 3 months, as many as 6.58 million PC units managed and sold on the market. 

In addition, data from IDC was also attributed to the fact that a higher decline. IDC has noted that in the first quarter of 2016 there was a drop in PC sales figures sebear 11.5% when compared to the same quarter in 2015 ago. In fact, were also reports that this decrease also occurred in many countries around the world, especially in America.

The data obtained is also an impact on policy Windos 10 Seara free upgrade offered by Microsoft. With the enactment of a Microsoft program that causes the subscriber or user of Windows earlier were reluctant to buy a new PC and prefer to take advantage of a free program offered microsoft update. And of course, the policy is very bad impact on pernurunan Microsoft revenue from Windows. In fact, Gargner also provide estimates that by 2016, Microsoft will experience a decrease in revenue from Windows 7.5% .12 months from now, Microsoft Will Cease Support Microsoft Announces Windows Vista and Office Users to Reach 1.2 Billion Users.

HTC 10, the World's First Smartphone with Camera Front Full featured OIS

Official HTC HTC Product Release 10 - HTC, which is one smartphone vendor who came from Taiwan recently released its newest product named the HTC 10. Earlier, there had been circulating pictures and information about the HTC flagship product. One of them in terms of camera that has a camera with high quality. 

Smartphone HTC 10 was launched as the first smartphone in the world that carries the front camera with anti-shake feature commonly referred to as a photo or image stabilizer (optical image stabilizer / OIS). OIS feature is useful to reduce image noise due to the hand that moves when shooting. In addition, HTC 10 also carries the familiar design. On the back looks slightly convex, while on the front is equipped with a Home button that doubles as a fingerprint scanner that is flanked by two softbutton.

HTC 10 itself is equipped with a 5.2 inch screen quad HD resolution. The screen can display 30 percent claimed more colors than previous generations. On the part of the screen is also equipped with a protective scratch-resistant Gorilla Glass that is designed together with the body made of metal.

In terms of kitchen trigger, HTC flagship smartphone is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chipset which comes with 4 GB of RAM so it supports if it is used for multitasking activities. In the storage section is also provided with an internal memory of 32 GB which can later be supplemented with external memory of up to 2 TB.

Not to forget, the smartphone is also equipped with a large enough battery of 3,000 mAh that is claimed to be used for two days. Smartpone has also been supported by the Quick Charge feature 3.0.

For the photography section, HTC 10 is carrying dual camera with 12-megapixel main camera that comes with features OIS, lens berdiafragma f / 1.8, dual-LED flash lights and laser autofocus system. As for the audio, HTC has also provided speakers with the new Sound Boom eknologi that is claimed to produce audio quality is twice as high compared to other Android phones.

Regarding the price, the smartphone is priced at approximately USD 9 million fantastik the bida booked through the official website of HTC and will be delivered in 10 Optimistic Future So Mei.HTC Best Smartphone with Camera and HTC 10 Gliding Today, But His face Has Shown Since Yesterday.

Apple Got Building Secrets `Mythology Yunani`

Apples are one of the known technology companies willing to talk about all they were doing. In fact, the company also quietly when buying any buildings.

According to the Silicon Valley Business Journal, Apple has been quietly buying and renting buildings. Interestingly, the buildings are named after Greek gods.

Most buildings related to electrical predictable, which is most likely a smart car. Companies from Uncle Sam's since a few months ago was reportedly preparing an electric smart car.

This report is in line with the information circulating about the existence of a building belonging to Apple in Sunnyvale. Residents in the neighborhood complained of engine noise that appears in the middle of the night.

The building was reportedly codenamed "Rhea", which reportedly has a relationship with Apple car project named "Titan". Rhea itself is one giant in Greek mythology.

In addition to Rhea, the secret of building other Apple codenamed Medusa, Magnolia, Zeus, Athena, and Corvinus.

How to Make a Website, Easiest Way For Beginners

This article deliberately I wrote in response to questions of the beginner who just set foot in the world of web development. How to Make a Website. I'm sure a lot of visitors all who wonder about "How the hell do I make a website?". This is a global question that is so universal. Because in fact the website is the result of work completed as a single entity.Because a lot of stage-a stage in how to create a website where it requires you to learn the stage one by one, to be advanced because the exercises are being conducted repeatedly. Because of the way to create a website that is full of sacrifice is what makes you a man who advanced.

There are some things you need to know, two types of websites based on usage, 1. static website, 2. dynamic websites.
Static websiteWebsite of this type exist as a predecessor, no longer exist after the initial discovery of the Internet, because the technology per-website-an even begins with a static website, but now there are many companies that use these types of websites as a company profile form online. Where the company does not require any updates daily or weekly updates or news articles shaped. The most prominent of static websites is to change the content of a website you should know very well the programming language HTML & CSS and Javascript, because to perform the update, you must open the file and typing HTML codes and then save them back to the file type * .html , How to create a website as a very troublesome right? Indeed! And unnatural.
Dynamic websiteDynamic website until whenever will still be interesting in web development, because it contained a database. This database can be used for many different things, of course, contains information and contains articles, news, user information, and so forth. Examples of dynamic website is www.ilmuwebsite.com, facebook and google was an example of a dynamic website, or create a free website www.kaffah.biz service also uses these types of websites. This dynamic website is a fusion between the language used by a static website, ie HTML & CSS javascript along with language that is able to handle server and database management, better known by the server side language. What is included server side language? PHP with MySQL as the database, ASP.net with MySQL Server as the database, java servlet page with Oracle as the database and so forth. To update content, change the content of a website, you do not need to open a file and then change the contents of the file, in a dynamic website, you can simply just log in as admin, then please update the admin facility. Simple and fast. But the sacrifice is to create a website like this does take a long time, about three weeks - 2 months, depending on the complexity features of the website, and there are several programming languages ​​that you should know. How to make a website like this is recommended.

Stages First, you need to know in the beginning in how to make a website is how to create web pages simple, in which the links are connected between one page to another page, and then within that there is a picture / image / photo, you can learn a lot about how create a web in a variety of places.
but remember the more you read, the more references, the more you get, the more you smarter, increasing your level as a web developer, which have an impact on the more revenue you can get.

Stages Second, after you finished the stage to create a website first part you can make your website more attractive, giving the slide animation content, key changing, and effects animation 'wow', please learn Javascript, but my advice please directly learn javascript library, which is the best and easiest way JQuery.
Third Phase, after you finished the first stage and the second part to create a website, immediately proceed to in this section. This is the most serious stage, study the server side programming language, which can make you a reliable web developer, which is really serious.
Stages Fourth, once you learn how to create a website stage 1, 2 and 3, the next step is to learn PHP framework, like CodeIgniter. PHP Framework allows you to create large-scale applications, complex, and powerful, but it is much easier to make because of the concept of MVC in PHP Framework. For starters I suggest first learn CodeIgniter.
Stages Fifth, use your abilities combine everything, that in the end you will meet with technology ajax, xml, web services, programming web to mobile and so forth, it's all you can do with the basic strong, if the first stage to stage Finish the third already, and do not forget, practicing constantly, over and over again. How to create a website / web development is not instant. It took the sacrifice of time and energy.
Until you do not realize you've been at the top of your field of knowledge. :-).
Congratulations sweat, learn how to create a website steadily.
thank you...


How to Make a Simple Dynamic Web (PHP and MySQL) for beginners

Dynamic Web is a website where a user (client) can change the content of a specific page using a browser and the interaction between the user and the server is very complex.
Requests from users can be processed by the server which are then displayed with different contents vary according to the program flow. dynamic web allows you to change the data through the admin page without having to change kodingannya.
to create dynamic web language you can use php and mysql as the databas.

1. First you must have an application called xampp ie as a stand-alone server (localhost), you can download on the internet, to install it quite easy, just follow the instructions.

2. Once you have successfully installed the xampp, open the app and start "Apache" and "MySQL" and then open your browser recommended Firefox or Chrome. Then Type localhost / phpmyadmin in the address bar to process the mysql database

  3. Once the page appears phpMyAdmin, you first create a database with the name db_web, and then create a table for admin type the code below in SQL tab:
create table admin ( 
username varchar(15) not null primary key,
password varchar(15) not null,
level varchar(15) not null 

4. to make the web, you must first create a homepage first, open the editor like notepad or notepad ++ etc and then type / copy and paste the code below and name the file "index.php"

<title>Kerangka Web</title>  
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> 
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 
<table width="900" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">  
  <tr bgcolor="gray">  
    <td height="100" colspan="2"></td>  
  <tr bgcolor="black">  
    <td colspan="2"><marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" truespeed="true" scrollamount="1" scrolldelay="40" direction="left">  
    <strong><div id="login">Selamat Datang Di Website Kami, Website Ini Masih Dalam Tahap Pembuatan</div></strong>  


    <td width="200" height="600" valign="top" bgcolor="gray"><table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">  
        <td><form name="form1" method="post" action="cek_login.php">  
          <table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">  
            <tr bgcolor="#003366">  
              <td height="30" colspan="2"><div align="center"><div id="login"><strong>Login Admin </strong></div></div></td>  
              <td width="74" height="30"><b>Username</b></td>  
              <td width="126">:   
                <input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="10"></td>  
              <td height="30"><b>Password</b></td>  
                <input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="10"></td>  
              <td height="30">&nbsp;</td>  
              <td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Login"></td> 
        <td><div id="kiri">
<div id="login">
<p>Nama : SAYHRUL RAMADAN </p>
<p>Web   : SYRAU.BLOGSPOT.CO.ID</p></b>
    <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>  
  <tr bgcolor="black">  
    <td height="80" colspan="2"><div id="login"><center>Copyright 2015 <br>Design : Banu Ari Ramadhan</div></td>  

5. To make the web interface looks nice, create css design for the web create a file called "style.css" and then type / copy and paste the code below:

#kiri is to the left side of web design
#login is to design the writing on the login form

6. To see the results save the file "index.php" and "style.css" in C:> / xampp / htdocs / web (create a new folder named web) and then run it through your browser address bar by typing: localhost / web / index .php
then see the results ..
note: do not forget to activate your xampp (start Apache and MySQL)

you've made a simple homepage for the data to be displayed later ..
The next section I will post how to create connections to make the admin page

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