Today I will share a little about how to make a html / web. This is a simple example that I created. in making this html we can start by using Notepad / Notepad ++ .langsung we just discussed below


<Title> universe universe </ title>
</ Head>
<Body background = "god.jpg"> <b> <H1> <font color = "orange"> THE OWNER OF NATURAL </ font> </ H1> </ b> <hr size = "2">
<Table border = 1><Img src = "a.jpg"</ Table>

<a href="katzuar@yahoo.com"> click here & </a>
<a href="hairul-atzuar.blogspot.com"> visit my blog address </a>
Reviews <font color = "white"> We, living in the world is only temporary.
Just like the blink of an eye
I wanted this to last long.
And will never end.

<Font color = "yellow"> <u> Lord of the universe,
Is this the end of the world to you? </ U> </ font>
Kulalai the mu command,
From the smallest to countless more.

<B> You're very forgiving and loving
You're the supreme and mighty
Just let us Songsong sun
These and explore your world. </ B>

But we will always be grateful
on your gift
Our love for you
There will not fade until the end of my life.
<Font color = "yellow"> <u> <p> Who Created the Universe from Nothing? </ U> </ font>
With the victory the Big Bang, the thesis "infinite universe", which form the basis of materialist dogma, was tossed onto the trash heap of history.
But for materialists, there are also two questions unpalatable: Reviews
What existed before the Big Bang? And what force could have caused the great explosion that resulted in a
 universe that did not exist before?
Materialists like Arthur Eddington recognized that the answers to these questions can lead to the existence of
supreme creator and that they did not like. The atheist philosopher Anthony Flew commented on this point:
Clearly, confession is good for the soul. </ P>
<B> <h4 align = "center"> <u> Signs Koran </ u> </ h4> </ b>
 <S> This </ s> has been stated in the holy books that have served as guides for mankind for thousands of years.
 In all holy books such as the Old Testament, New Testament, and the Qur'an, it is stated that the universe and everything in it
 created out of nothing by God.
In the only book revealed by Allah that has survived completely intact, the Qur'an, there are statements
 about the creation of the universe from nothing, in addition to how it arises in accordance with the science of the 20th century,
 though revealed 14 centuries ago.
First, the creation of the universe from nothing revealed in the Qur'an as follows: Reviews
<H4 align = "center"> <i> "He is the creator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have a son when He has no wife. Reviews
He created all things and He knows all things. "(QS. Al-An'am, 6: 101) Reviews
"And if the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, Reviews
then We parted them. And We made from water every living thing. "(QS. Al-Anbiya ', 21: 30) </ font> </ i> </ h4>
</ Body>

ino pictures using the formula below
<Table border = 1>
<Td valign = "top"> Comments </ td>
<Td> <textarea name = "comments" rows = "5"cols = "25"> </ textarea> </ td>
</ Tr>
</ Table>
First name:
<Input type = "text" name = "firstname" />
<br /> Reviews Last name:<Input type = "text" name = "lastname" />
</ Form>
<Form name = "input" action = "html_form_action.asp" method = "get"> Reviews username:<Input type = "text" name = "user" /><Input type = "submit" value = "Submit" />
</ Form>
</ Html>

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